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Thursday, January 25, 2018

For the future


IM SO SUPER EXCITED, I finally turn 18 soon and i have my tattoo appointment scheduled.
In march i will be heading back to Mesa, AZ. I get to stay with my grandparents for a week and my great aunt is also down there!
I should be attending a MGMT concert in February, Here is a link to one of their songs if you have never heard. Kids MGMT The song is kind of old, but my favorite.
As to the future for me and this is one of the things i do not really talk about because I do not know what i want.
After i graduate, i think i will be traveling to Colorado this summer. I think these might be every single one of my future plans and i am perfectly OK with that.

Happy with no plans, because anything can happen
My mom will keep making me good a** meals.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Its Something To Do

One of the things I've learned as I start to stay home in the winter months is that I NEEDED A HOBBY, Otherwise I kept finding myself in bed watching tv. Even though I am not the best at painting, I enjoy it. I find myself sitting at my desk sometimes for thirty minutes sometimes for two hours. For me it is kind of like writing, i can put my thoughts and emotions into a painting and not think about them again.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Hiking With My Other Half

Hannah and Greta walking through the wind

I used to make an attempt at least every month to see my beloved sister. Its better to do in the non snowy months of the year, because we enjoy hiking together a lot. One of the times I took the three and a half hour drive to Winona last year I looked up State Parks ,being that we had already hiked most of the trails in Winona. We made a twenty five minute drive out to Bradys Bluff in Wisconsin. There were two paths to the top and we ended up taking the stairs ( its good for you) and at the top it was the most gorgeous scenery. There was a DNR officer at the top In the shade of a built resting place. He talked to us about the history of the park that was built during the great depression when they needed to make jobs for people. My sister and I were struggling on the climb up the hill but it was all worth it in the end to see the views, and that is the glory of hiking, it is always worth the struggle.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Product Review

My product review of the spicy sweet chili Doritos.
Usually i go for the nacho cheese Doritos, but my friend gave me a bag of these. I had never tried these before but to my surprise they were quite good. My first thought was that they taste a little and smelled a lot like sweet and sour sauce, but they have an interesting kick. Im sure these are my second favorite kind of Doritos now.
definitely worth the try.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Interview Questions

What is your favorite article of clothing you have owned?
Haille: Black old school vans
Mason: Lulu joggers
Vicky: Nike black sweatshirt

What would your perfect room look like?
Haille: Matte black
Mason: Golf room sleep on greens
Vicky: White and modern low lights

What hobby would you take up if money and time weren't an issue?
Haille: Cake decorater
Mason: Wood Wooker
Vicky: Horses; barrel racing
What fictional place would you like to go?
Haille: The office
Mason: Into family guy
What job would you be really good at?
Haille: Movie director
Mason: Pro golfer, Actor/ Comedian
Vicky: Bar tending

What skill would you like to master?
Haille: Dunking in basketball
Mason: Stand up comedy 
Vicky: Ju jisu

What would be a fun adventure to go on?
Haille: Seven wonders of the world
Mason: Safari in africa
Vicky : tour through Vietnam 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


1.  The Vicky
The most chill, laid back but most caring

2. Your Friends that are always there when you need them   
The friends that stand by and always are on your side, the ones that reach out every once and a while and when you see them you feel like you're at home.
they will love you endlessly no matter what and want you to be happy
4. Yourself
Because if you cant cheer yourself up, how do you expect anyone else to?

Because no matter how many times you fight and call her ugly she will always want your support and you will always want hers

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Its Really Just The Small Things

Of all the things that make me happy, it is usually the small things that tend to make me smile. I highly encourage just being yourself and being around people that make you happy. Be goofy and laugh until you cry. This is a video of my friend Rhayne playing recorders through her nose😝
This is my friend Jackie and she is one of the most awesome people I know, she makes my heart smile and we made some cute cookies!🔥

Here is me cuddling my favorite cat Kleo , she is the softest little baby.

Friday, December 15, 2017


Hey all, do you ever have a really bad craving? Me too , for Canes. Recently (Last night) me and my friends drove to Minneapolis just to curve my craving. Be spontaneous and get some strips! I went with some really awesome people and literally cried from laughing, we all need that in our lives. After we got the strips we went to Mall Of America and hung out.
Here is a cute video of my friend Kaylees baby we brought with , she melts my heart and every day i get to see her she always makes that day better. Its the little things in life that really help keep happy and healthy. Never be afraid to ditch the norm and have a fun little trip.
Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Make The Best Of The Worst

How to make the best of the worst:
1. Go get your hair done by your moms boyfriends mom
2. Get your eye brows waxed
3. Basically have no eyebrows
4.  There is nothing you can do until they grow out
5. Mourn your losses
6. Make fun of yourself before other people do
7. Laugh along with everyone else
8. Draw on your eyebrows until they grow back

MY FULL EYEBROWS BEFORE                                                              AFTER THE WAX (RIP)

                                       NOW MY FAKE A** EYEBROWS

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

First Post, With Post

My name is Greta, I would describe myself as someone with a strong personality , unfiltered and outgoing. I tend to be more appropriate and conscious of what I post online and on social media. I know that by a click of a button anyone can find anything. Online I am more filtered with words and thoughts than I am in person. The picture above is from when I met Post Malone, a lovely large man. I love to explore and go places, I traveled from Minnesota to Arizona to meet young Post. When I want to do something I go after it, I do the things I want and experience what  I want to experience. Nothing can hold me back from what I want, there is always somewhere to go and someone to see and money to save so you can be where you feel you need to be.